End Days
There is a lot of talk these days of end times. I wrote this poem last week. What Does the Future Hold? Only God knows, but I know Him and He knows me. That’s all I need to know futuristically.
There is a lot of talk these days of end times. I wrote this poem last week. What Does the Future Hold? Only God knows, but I know Him and He knows me. That’s all I need to know futuristically.
Expiration Date We each have an expiration date stamped in an unseen spot. The date is known only to our Creator. He knows those who’ll spend eternity with Him and those who will not. You see, we’ll all live forever. It’s up to us to choose the spot. Choose Jesus as your ruler to view eternity from heaven. Otherwise, you’ll live forever where it’s dark and hot.
Photo by Poppy Thomas Hill There are a couple of great websites I follow every day. The first is GiveHim15.com from Dutch Sheets for prayer strategies for our nation and world. He is a great source of encouragement. The second is a newer list to me. It’s elijahlist.com. A recent post, “This Month, Push Into Him for Miracles” by Jamie Rohrbauch was an excellent one. In the article she gives some very practical suggestions for seeing God move in your…
(Photo by Aaron Kittredge.) Unfortunately, the White House doesn’t look like this anymore. It stands behind high fences with razor-wire laced along the top. When I went to find a picture of how it looks today, every one refused to load. The excuse I saw on the screen “Unable to load for security reasons.” What a sad day we’re living in. As I read Levicitus 26 the other day I was struck by the content. At about verse 14 God…
As we move through life we establish many traditions. Some are better than others. The Bible tells us there are traditions of men and traditions which the Bible teaches. Colosians tells us that some traditions the Bible calls “traditions of men” can take us captive through philosophy and empty deception (Col. 2:8). When we base our philosophy on wisdom other than what the Bible has to say, that tradition can become an empty deception. For instance, how many people base…
Since January, I have found it very difficult to pray for our leaders, although I Timothy 2:2 tells us to do so. So I went to the Lord and said, “What do you want me to pray?” Proverbs 9:10 tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Proverbs 8:13 says that the fear of the Lord is to hate evil. As I pondered these scriptures and applied them to our current leadership, it became obvious…
In these times, we need wisdom and knowledge to safely navigate each day. The Bible spoke of such men in 1 Chronicles 12:32. It speaks of the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do. If God is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8) He can make us as the sons of Issachar also. He didn’t leave us as sitting ducks without an instruction book. The little lad in the picture…
Last Friday the My Pillow guy, Mike Lindell, released a two-hour presentation of facts about the 2020 election. At 1 hour and 38 minutes into the program he is interviewing Mary Fanning, a National Intelligence researcher and author. She shows one of thousands of pages of the actual IP addresses of the computers from China and Iran and many other countries hacking into our tabulation machines all over the United States. Those sheets also show the number of votes moved…
Is your heart heavy with the utter disregard for law, truth, and justice? There is a great revival on the horizon like no one has ever seen before. God is about drawing millions into a one-on-one relationship with Him, worldwide. One of the things He is going to use is the testimonies of people whose lives He has already changed. This week I read Mike Lindell’s book What are the Odds? Yes, it’s the My Pillow guy you see all…