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Author: Sally Jadlow

Sally is an award-winning author and likes to write historical fiction, poetry and short stories. She teaches creative writing and serves as a chaplain to corporations in the greater Kansas City area. Sally is the wife of one, mother of four and grandmother of fourteen.
Earth’s Bounty

Earth’s Bounty

Edit Post       Earth’s Bounty Ctrl+K   Save             Earth’s Bounty   With such a wonderful, wet year, gardens flourished. The 6 cabbages took over almost 1/4 of my 4 x12 garden plot at church. I brought my big knife and got to work on harvest day.  This year, the plan is to make sauerkraut from most of the cabbage. Fortunately, I brought along a large shopping bag to the garden on harvest…

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Stress Reliever

Stress Reliever

In today’s world we face new stressors every day. When I’m stressed, I do several things. Sometimes I take a walk, pray, or read a good book. Another stress reliever is to bake. Sunday after church, I baked ten loaves of whole wheat bread, three loaves of banana bread, and a pan of rolls. Today, I’ll share my recipe for whole wheat bread with you if you’d like to try my relaxer. Since bread dough has to be punched (kneaded)…

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A Tradition Continues

A Tradition Continues

This 4th of July we continued a tradition with new twigs on our family tree. We drug out the old train from the barn my husband made years ago from plastic 50 gallon drums. Each car has its own steering wheel. Try as they might, the cars never go their own direction–they just follow the rider in front. I have only one regret; that he’s no longer here to watch the next generation enjoy something he so lovingly made so…

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Every Hive Needs a Queen Bee

Every Hive Needs a Queen Bee

When I inspected my hives last month, one had a missing queen. How did I know? No eggs! If their are no eggs, soon you won’t have a hive. Worker bees (immature females) live less than 40 days. I had to act quickly. I ordered a queen from the bee store near 107 and Pflumm on Monday, June 3rd. She arrived on Thursday, June 6th in a small crate, 1 x 3 inches (pictured above.) She also came with four…

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A Blessing

A Blessing

This past week I received a request to have my windows washed by a nice young man. The next day he was at my house with his equipment in hand. I accepted. Now I can see out my windows with great clarity. Contact me if you would like his number.    P. S. He also told me he cleans roofs, washes houses, driveways, and decks.

A Fun App

A Fun App

A friend recently shared an app with me that identifies the birds you hear. It’s called Merlin Bird id App from Cornell University and it’s free.  Download the app. Take your phone outside and hit the record button. When I first used it, within two minutes it identified a Carolina Wren, and Northern Cardinal, a House Sparrow, and House Finch, and an American Robin from my patio. Using the same login name and password that you create for Merlin, you…

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Garden Bounty

Garden Bounty

The rain this year is great for gardening. This is my 4′ x 12′ garden plot at church. I’ve never seen cabbage leaves this big. Zucchini, beets, sweet kale and tomatoes are coming along nicely. This yield makes gardening satisfying. Hopefully, your garden is doing as well. Happy harvesting!   My books are available at

Beekeepers Fun Day

Beekeepers Fun Day

This past weekend I attended a Fun Day for beekeepers. In order to show how bees cluster to their queen, two brave souls volunteered to let bees make bee beards on them. The speakers tied the queen of each hive in a small box under the chin of the volunteers. Then they dumped the queen’s hive on a tray under the volunteers chins. The bees clustered around the queen. This picture is the result! My books are available from…

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A New Generation

A New Generation

  My father fought in WWII. A portion of my book, Hard Times in the Heartland covers the experiences he had during that era. Now, 80 years later, his great-grandson, Sam, is about to enter his third year at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO. I had the joy of seeing that grandson get his Training Squadron Glider Wings this past week. He and another student sang the the Star Spangled Banner at the beginning of the ceremony. The attached video…

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Two Paths

Two Paths

He who planted the ear, does He not hear?He who formed the eye, does He not see?The Lord knows the thoughts of man,that he is mere breath.   (Psalm 94: 9,11) My sheep hear My voice, and I know them,and they follow Me. (John 10:27)             I’m so glad God not only sees and hears, He also speaks to those who know Him and follow Him. In order to hear, we must listen—closely. If we will, He will give us instruction…

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