Fall Approaches
Season’s Turning September days wain,a hint of fall in the air.Time to turn off the air-conditionerand clear the patio of summer’s beauty. Soon, I’ll say goodbye to flourishing okra,green beans, and peppers—turn on grow lights in the basementand prepare for winter days. All the while, I’ll keep in mindSpring springs eternal. Do you have a favorite time of the year? Why is it? As you can tell, I dread winter, mostly because I don’t like to drive in ice and…
Season’s Change
In honor of the changing season I pulled these plants from the patio, tucked them in the basement under grow lights, and wrote this poem: Season’s Change October has come and gone. Time to bring plants in before freeze. Gone is the gentle south wind and warm summer breeze. Check the furnace and fireplace. Make sure they’re ready to go. Tune up the blower in preparation for snow. Pull dead plants from flowerbeds, winterize the hoses, rake leaves, sweep the…
Winter Weather Predictions
I recently read at Almanac.com about how to predict the weather watching animals. Since winter seems to be coming sooner than later, I though you might enjoy some of these predictions. CAN COWS FORECAST WEATHER? Perhaps the greatest amount of weather folklore surrounds cows. Certainly, their bodies are affected by changes in air pressure. This is also true of sheep, cats, and us. If a cow stands with its tail to the west, the weather is said to be fair. If a cow grazes…
Winter-France 1945
I haven’t written in a while about “Hard Times in the Heartland.” On page 195 Dad writes from the battlefield in one of his frequent letters home: “Bee I and several others were awarded the Combat Infantry Expert Badge for our participation in battle. That means $5.00 more a month. “It quit snowing for a couple of days. It’s warming a little , but the thaw brings gummy mud. The melting snow around each foxhole makes a good target for…
A Missing Tree
While we slept Monday night, snow fell for the second time in five days. This brings the snow total this month to 20.3 inches. Last year we had only two and a half inches for the entire winter. This second snow sat heavy on trees and power lines. Many experienced electrical outages throughout the area. About 5:30 Tuesday morning I awoke and crept downstairs to see how deep the new layer of snow was on the patio. In the pre-dawn…