A Christmas Poem
CHRISTMAS REVERE Behold with new awethe babe laid on straw who knew you before earth’s foundationand gives heavenly revelation to all who seek with diligenceHis face with reverence. Draw aside from Christmas rush.Be still; hear the hush. Ponder the One who paid the priceto offer eternal life to all who would humbly bow.Invite Him into your life now.
Christmas Poem
I awoke early the other morning with the first line of a poem in my head. When this happens, I can’t roll over and go back to sleep without forgetting the phrase. This is the poem that followed when I sat at the computer. Jesus More than a babe in a manger. The King of all kings, and Lord of all lords. The promised Messiah. God with skin on. The Word of God who created the world. The One Who…
Christmas Preparation
Time to get out the Christmas decorations in preparation for the celebration of our savior’s birth. So many times the preparation for the celebration takes precedence over the real reason for the holiday. In a blue funk after cleaning the house, top to bottom several years ago, I wrote this poem. Now, I have learned to stay calm and let dust bunnies multiply under the bed while I enjoy the time with family and friends as we celebrate the real…