Of Grief
I never cease to be amazed at God’s timing. I’m a wee bit behind in my daily devotional reading of New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp. His entry for June 24 reads, “Grief is good when it mourns what God hates, but it’s dangerous when it questions God’s goodness and love.”
As I walk this new path of widowhood, I have not felt grief–only joy. Joy that my dear one is no longer being eaten alive by disease. Joy that he is home safe with Jesus where there is no more tears and no more pain–no more sorrow or death according to Revelation 21:4. Joy that in God’s mercy He took Vic home quickly. He was only diagnosed with lung cancer for five weeks before he died.
People ask me, “Don’t you miss him?”
Of course I do. But when you look at things from God’s perspective the time we will spend apart now will only be a blink of an eye in the face of eternity.
In heaven we’ll never again have to say good-bye, not because of anything we did or deserved, but because of what Jesus did for us on the cross. He took the punishment we deserved. In the words of a Christian martyr, Nate Saint, “He came to pay a debt He did not owe, because we owed a debt we could not pay.”
As each day passes,
heaven grows sweeter,
the goal grows nearer,
and Jesus grows dearer.
My titles are available on Amazon.com here.
God’s Little Miracle Book is now available in audio at https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/sally-jadlow/1303687606 for iTunes and at Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B007F5H0H4
4 thoughts on “Of Grief”
Thank you for the Paul David Tripp quote. It helps me today.
I so look forward to meeting you in Mulhall next weekend at the Wordwrights’ retreat.
God bless you, Sally.
Glad the blog blessed you. I’ll be excited to meet you too.
So true–very thoughtful observations.
Thanks, Zeta.