Family Work Day
Instead of the annual Pumpkin Party at our farm, we had a work day. The buffer-zone next to the corn field needed to be rid of trees, saplings, and wild, thorny blackberry bushes. With three chain saws, copious amounts of tree-stump killer, and a brush hog, we flattened a 15 foot by 300 yard area.
The next task, the three-sided barns. The horses like to use that as their bathroom. The guys shoveled mounds of manure (pictured above) into the adjoining pasture while I nipped small tree starts around the barns and treated them with poison.
In the midst of all this, we stopped for a lunch of chili, apple pie, and pecan pie.
I helped the guys put fencing around the pear and fig tree to keep the deer out.
After a long day we headed home a dusk ready for a rest.
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