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Tag: Family Fun

Family Work Day

Family Work Day

Instead of the annual Pumpkin Party at our farm, we had a work day. The buffer-zone next to the corn field needed to be rid of trees, saplings, and wild, thorny blackberry bushes.  With three chain saws, copious amounts of tree-stump killer, and a brush hog, we flattened a 15 foot by 300 yard area.  The next task, the three-sided barns. The horses like to use that as their bathroom. The guys shoveled mounds of manure (pictured above) into the…

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The Tradition Carries On

The Tradition Carries On

Years ago, my husband, Vic, made this train for the kids to ride. He constructed it out of large plastic barrels. Each rider has their own steering wheel, although they consistently follow the car in front.  This 4th of July we drug it out of the barn for a new generation to enjoy. I’m so grateful for a fresh round of twigs on our family tree to experience something made with love so long ago. I’m just sad he’s not…

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