Stavanger, Norway

On this day we were scheduled to be in port from 9:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m. so we could take our time. Rather than go into the shops first, we took the longer way through the quaint houses along cobblestone streets.Then we strolled along the port with its many shops.
When we were in Russia, a man sat beside me at a resting place. He advised, “Don’t miss the fjords.” This day we were able to find a tour going to the Lysefj Fjord in a small boat. (The one in the foreground.) It held about twelve people. Before we boarded, we had to dress in these fat suits even though it was a warm day.
On the water it was quite cool. The views were exquisite in the fjord.
At one point we passed below Pulpit Rock which is 1982 feet above the water.
The water at that point is 1,500 feet deep. The Pulpit in the photo is a little left of center at the edge of the formation. This next picture I have taken from a postcard looking down at Pulpit Rock which is about 82 x 82 feet. The tiny dot in the water is a boat.
After our two-hour ride through the fjord, we set out to walk the town.
We found Stavanger Cathedral which will have its 900 anniversary in 2025.
Inside they had a display of the tools used to construct the building. Men out back were working with the same tools on restoration.
A little farther along the trail stood a lovely park with a pond with swans and a gazebo.
Departure hour approach. We headed back to the boat. An announcement came over the intercom. We had propeller problems so we were invited to venture out again until 10:00 p.m. We were too tired to go out again and headed to the dining room for dinner and a view of the harbor.
We didn’t leave until 2:00 a.m. Our next stop, Southampton, England. Would we get back in time to make our flight home?
My latest book, Joshua’s Journey: One Boy’s Victory Over Allergies is available here on All my books are available in Kindle and paperback. The Miracle Books are also available in audible.
2 thoughts on “Stavanger, Norway”
Sally, wonderful blog about Stavanger, Norway! So glad you walked the quaint streets first. Cool photos. Many years ago I studied at the Oslo International Summer School. We American students traveled across the ocean on the ship, SS Stavangerfijord.
That sounds like a wonderful trip, Charlotte.