Is Jesus God?
Recently someone asked me if Jesus was God.
“Yes. He’s the third part of the trinity. He’s God with skin on. God with a face.”
“I don’t understand that trinity stuff,” she said.
Looking down into my lap and prayed the Lord to show me how to answer her. My hands rested there with the verigated yarn I was knitting on three needles.
Suddenly, I had the answer. “The trinity is like this piece of knitting. It’s all one piece, but it looks different depending on which side you look at.
2 thoughts on “Is Jesus God?”
Great analogy, Sal! Merry Christmas to you & may 2014 find you “rarin’ to go places with your wonderful writing and testimony! Love you, Joanne Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2013 15:38:57 +0000 To:
Thanks, jj. Appreciate the feedback. God bless you and yours this Christmas season and throughout the new year.