Interactive Gratitude Praying

Interactive Gratitude Praying

This past weekend we had a women’s retreat at church. One of the break-out sessions was on interactive praying. They featured the book The Joyful Journey: Listening to Immanuel. This book explains Immanuel Journaling.

Beginning with His name, write to Jesus something for which you feel grateful. Then express to Him WHY you are grateful for the things you have listed. Then, beginning with your name, sit quietly before Him and write what you hear is His response to your gratitude.

These are the first steps to Immanuel Journaling. You might want to explore this more deeply to develop a deeper relationship with Jesus.

Here’s an example:

“Lord Jesus, I’m grateful for the people you have placed in my path and for this retreat. A time away with You always brings refreshment. I’m grateful for the plans you have for me and our family.

“My child: My hand is on you. My plans are fixed. Listen carefully for My instruction and guidance. Don’t run ahead. I’ll pace you. I’ll instruct you in the way I want you to go. Trust Me and you’ll not miss My timing.”

Ready to jump in? Grab a notebook and give it a try.


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