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Category: Gardening

Earth’s Bounty

Earth’s Bounty

Edit Post       Earth’s Bounty Ctrl+K   Save             Earth’s Bounty   With such a wonderful, wet year, gardens flourished. The 6 cabbages took over almost 1/4 of my 4 x12 garden plot at church. I brought my big knife and got to work on harvest day.  This year, the plan is to make sauerkraut from most of the cabbage. Fortunately, I brought along a large shopping bag to the garden on harvest…

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Garden Bounty

Garden Bounty

The rain this year is great for gardening. This is my 4′ x 12′ garden plot at church. I’ve never seen cabbage leaves this big. Zucchini, beets, sweet kale and tomatoes are coming along nicely. This yield makes gardening satisfying. Hopefully, your garden is doing as well. Happy harvesting!   My books are available at

What You Can Grow in a Small Garden

What You Can Grow in a Small Garden

This year I decided to jump in and plant a raised garden at my church surrounded by a twelve-foot fence to keep the varmints out. It’s only four by twelve feet but has produced abundantly. To date, I’ve harvested 38 zucchini off three plants, 11 green peppers, 15 pounds of potatoes, four pounds of green beans, 2 okra, and 81 tomatoes. Currently growing are more green beans, tomatoes, okra, and cantaloupe.  I plan to remove the plants that are finished…

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1st Pepper

1st Pepper

Leave a Comment /  / By Sally Jadlow This year I have rented a raised garden bed at church surrounded by a 10 foot high fence. When I planted my garden around my patio, the squirrels and rabbits had a feast, but not me. This year, the garden is incredible! Here’s a picture of the first green pepper. Notice there are no varmint bites. I can’t wait to taste potatoes, zucchini, green beans, tomatoes and squash.

Growing Sweet Potatoes

Growing Sweet Potatoes

I happened on a website the other day telling you how to grow 50-100 pounds of sweet potatoes from one sweet potato. I decided to try it.  I bought a plastic tub from Walmart with a lid and some potting soil. The sweet potatoes are to be covered half way into the dirt and watered until they form leaves. I’m to cover the box with the lid and leave a small space open to create a humid environment. The instructor…

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Spring Garden

Spring Garden

My garden looks rather small and insignificant at this point, but given enough light and water, perhaps we’ll have some produce from it this summer–if the squirrels and rabbits don’t get it first.  Spring is also when my large plants escape the basement under grow lights where they’ve been for the past six months. They’d stay there the entire year if it weren’t for the excellent help from son, Josh, who dutifully loads each one on a dolly and lugs…

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Spring Gardening

Spring Gardening

A couple of weeks ago my two sons and a grandson planted potatoes. This past Sunday, son Josh and I were delighted to see little potato plants emerging from the soil. He and I planted three more rows of zucchini, cantaloupe, spinach, green beans, corn, peas, tomatoes, rosemary, and green peppers. God’s word says we’ll reap what we sow. What crops are you expecting?   My newest book, The Road Home, an account of my husband’s lung cancer and God’s faithfulness to…

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