
Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning

Several years ago I knitted this rug that sits in front of the kitchen sink. It began as a VERY long snake knitted from leftover yarn. I sewed the knitted strip around a large cotton cord. Then I stitched it into this oval. The stitching loosened in several places and  had become very soiled. I spent the next couple of nights re-attaching each row with carpet thread. The yarn was polyester, but I didn’t know if it would survive a…

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Remember This?

Remember This?

In the 70s and 80s Pyrex put out what they called a Bake A Round. I had a little too much whole wheat bread dough for the seven bread pans I had available the other day, so I went on a hunt in the garage for this bread pan. I hunted the internet for instructions and couldn’t find any. I looked in the box. There in the bottom lay the instructions with several recipes. I smushed the extra dough into…

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Early Or Not

Early Or Not

My Peony patch got the word to pop out even earlier than usual this year. The sad part, all this rain will make them too heavy to stand up straight and they’ll be gone even sooner. Years ago, we always decorated graves with this flower–but now, they seem to bloom earlier each season. I wish I had smell-a-vision on this blog for you to enjoy this heavenly scent. Are your plantings coming out sooner than expected?

Lost & Found

Lost & Found

Weekend before last I attended a picnic at church. I wore a black sweater. I didn’t realize it was gone until Tuesday. I hunted the house high and low, to no avail. I even asked my Bible study to pray I’d find it. In desperation, I went on a mental scavenger hunt. The last time I remembered having it was at the picnic. We’d had high winds from Sunday to Tuesday. I made a special trip to church to search….

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A Different View

A Different View

While everyone looked at the eclipse last week, I chose a different view by looking at the ground in a parking lot. This view shows the eclipse through a tree. See the crescents?  What did you observe during that time? Now, we’ll have to wait until a total eclipse across the U.S till 2044. I don’t think I’ll make it that far!

A Look Back

A Look Back

This past week as I sat to journal as I do every day, I recorded 4/4/24. That rang a bell in my memory. On 4/4/74 I set apart a day to pray about what I should do with about 250 poems I had written over the previous 15 months.  I heard nothing, so I decided to type each one on a paper, put them in a box, and send them to a local publishing house listed in the yellow pages….

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Funny Moments

Funny Moments

After the main meal is consumed and desserts are a mere memory, family gatherings take a funny turn. The kids drag out the junk from an old toy box upstairs and let ‘er rip. Beside the usual toys, there are old Halloween masks and ancient wigs in the treasure trove. The picture above is of one of the twenty-five guests who gathered for Easter this year pretending to be a feeding horse. later, various ones try on the old wigs…

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Fun Bunnies

Fun Bunnies

Although Resurrection Day has nothing to do with rabbits, they seem to hop in anyway. I made these for my great-grandchildren to enjoy when we gather after church next Sunday. I’ll include the recipe in case you want to try your hand at it. I use my basic roll dough to make these bunnies. The recipe is included in my cookbook Family Favorites from the Heartland found at . Basic Roll DoughThis recipe can make Parker House Rolls, Butterflake…

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Morel Time

Morel Time

If you’re a morel mushroom lover, it’s about time. We need temperatures in the low 70s and night temperatures in the 50s. They are usually found around the bases of elms, ashes, and cottonwoods. The season is only a couple of weeks long so don’t put it off. When hunting morels, use a mesh or breathable bag. That way, the spores can escape to make more for next year.  I usually bring them home and soak them a few minutes…

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It’s Spring!

It’s Spring!

Miracle of miracles, my bees made it through the terrible -20 degree temperatures this winter. They are busy gathering pollen and gearing up for warmer weather. Hopefully, this year I’ll be able to harvest some honey. I think I hear someone saying, “How did they survive such cold? Bees are so fascinating. When cold winter hits, they gather around their queen in a cluster. The warm bees move to the outer edge and the cold ones move inward. I fed…

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