April Poetry Challenge

April Poetry Challenge

Every April and November Writers Digest conducts a poem a day challenge. Robert Lee Brewer gives the daily prompts. The day before Easter this year Robert suggested we write a dark poem.

Here is my poem to that prompt.

Easter Morn

Darkness turned to dawn
the day Jesus rose from the grave.

Despair turned to disbelief
when Mary Magdalene brought the news,
“He is risen!”

Frantic confusion gave way to faith
when Peter and John entered
the empty tomb.

Aching hearts healed
when two followers broke bread
in Emmaus with their risen Lord Jesus.

Has darkness turned to dawn
in your heart, dear friend?


My latest book, Joshua’s Journey: One Boy’s Victory Over Allergies is available here on Amazon.com. All my books are available in Kindle and paperback. The Miracle Books are also available in audible.

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