A great Lotion Recipe
A few years ago, a friend gave me a home made jar of this stuff. It’s great for dry skin in winter. I’ve used it ever since. I thought you might like to make some yourself. Here’s the recipe. You can get all the stuff online or at Walmart.
13 ounces of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly
12 ounces Vitamin E Cream
27 ounces Johnson’s Baby Lotion
In a large mixing bowl empty the 13oz of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly. With a hand mixer at the highest speed beat the VPJ for 2 minutes, then scrape the bowl and beat for 2 more minutes at the highest setting. Next add 12oz of the Vitamin E Cream to the VPJ and beat for 2 min then scrape the bowl and beat for another 2 min. Finally add the 27oz of Johnson’s Baby Lotion to the VPJ & VEC Beating for 2 min. then another 2 min after scraping the bowl. This will make about 12 – 4oz containers.
- Petroleum Jelly: This ointment, often called by its trademark, Vaseline, is basically made up of fat. It is an emollient, which means it fills in gaps between skin cells to replace lipids. This makes it super-hydrating and long-lasting. It’s also very, very protective. It forms a water-resistant barrier on the skin that protects skin from the elements, and holds moisture in. Petroleum jelly’s even been shown to help skin wounds heal faster and better and with less scarring. I know nearly ten people personally who wear petroleum jelly straight on their faces. Tyra Banks swears by it. Most people use it for cracking heels or areas of super dry skin. While I don’t love the greasy feel that petroleum jelly can have, I do know that it is one of the best skin protectants on earth, and that it is truly a great hydrator too.
- Vitamin E cream: This is a lotion, typically with a thicker cream consistency. Vitamin E is a strong antioxidant, which means it helps prevent premature aging. Not only does it block damage from the outside, it actually boosts collagen production (collagen is the tissue that helps skin stay full, strong and supple.) Vitamin E is known for its healing properties and is an amazing moisturizer. It works wonders on scars, burns, even brown spots. Some people puncture Vitamin E oil capsules and use the oil straight. The only problem with this is that Vit E oil is very thick and sticky- not ideal to try to pull over your skin. Vitamin E cream is the creamier alternative.
- Baby lotion: In this recipe, the baby lotion’s biggest job is to act as the base or foundation of the whole thing. Plus, it’s a vehicle to help the ingredients bind together, stay on skin and not be too greasy. Of course, it’s also soft and silky and adds its lovely smell to the lotion as well.
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