The Missing Wallet

“How are things, Andrew?”
“Not too good, chaplain.”
“Wanna talk about it?”
He put down his wrench and wiped his hands on a grease rag. “It’s been a string of things lately, but last Saturday was the last straw. I lost my wallet at Zona Rosa Mall.
“I must have dropped my wallet out of my baggy sweat pants in the mall parking lot when I got in the car. This is such a hassle. Had to make a police report and cancel all my credit cards. This afternoon I’ll get a new driver’s license. I’ve gone back three times to look for it. Even called the store near where I parked several times. It’s just not there.”
“That’s so hard when you have to replace everything. You know, the Lord knows where that wallet is. Can we just ask Him now to reveal it?”
I prayed, “Lord God, who sees and knows all, Andrew and I come before You now. Please make visible where his wallet is. We ask You to return it to him in the name of Jesus by the power of His blood, shed for us. Amen.”
I moved on to the next technician.
The next Tuesday, I had all but forgotten about the wallet.
Andrew hailed me as I approached his bay. “Hey, chaplain. Guess what. The police called me the day after we prayed last week. Someone turned in my wallet. Can you believe it?”
“That’s wonderful! Where did they find it?”
“Right where I parked.”
“Four days later?”
“Yeah. Someone found it and turned it in.”
I prepared to ask my next question when he continued.
“And everything was there. Credit cards, social security card, money. Nothing was even rearranged.”
I love my job. It’s such fun to walk in Jesus footsteps and pray what He nudges me to pray.
2 thoughts on “The Missing Wallet”
How cool is our God? Marvelous!!!
sallyjadlow posted: “Last week at work, I made my way around the mechanic bays at a car dealership I visit every Tuesday as a corporate chaplain.
How are things, Andrew?
Not too good, chaplain.
Wanna talk about it?
He put down his wrench and wiped his hands “
Thanks for sharing Sally, it is wonderful to see God working in our lives and in others, His intervention in my life is amazing and so very Loving.
Hmmmm I’m always loosing things but I believe those who are organized are just lazy they don’t want to look for things like I have to do
Christian Love from both of us – Anne