Time for a Haircut
The tree trimmers came out from under the rocks with the turn of the year. I agreed to “having the dead limbs trimmed out.” Then I went to my dentist appointment. When I came home I was surprised my one and only tree had a buzz cut. The picture above is what had been trimmed! I think I’ll not live long enough to have to pay for another trim! My books are available at https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B007F5H0H4
Serendipitous Surprise
This past Friday Channel 4 set up broadcasting in Overland Park downtown under the clock tower. I had seen Mark Alford speaking about D-Day the day before. I got the notion to take him my Hard Times in the Heartland book that includes stories about my dad during WW II in France and Germany. When I arrived a crowd gathered behind Mark and Abby Eden. Did I dare approach them? Would someone stop me? I observed one man walk up to…