In I Kings, chapter 18, King Ahab, a worshiper of God had married a woman who worshiped in a fertility cult who sacrificed their babies to Baal. Elijah, a prophet in Israel, told king Ahab to gather the 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of the Asherah in order to have a “come to meeting” so to speak. The Israelites, led by their king, worshiped Almighty God. But they also mixed in a little hanky-panky with the temple prostitutes…
Enticed by the Light
I recently attended a women’s retreat with my church. Our featured speaker, Sharon Beekmann, a marriage and family therapist, shared her testimony during the three-day conference. She told us how she became disillusioned with her faith at a young age and began to delve into Ouija boards, new age, and transcendental meditation practices to fill that void. She spent a great deal of time and energy learning to channel spirits in order to help her clients. After eleven years and…
Candlelight Vigil for an Elk
Is the world going nuts, or is it just me? On the news the other morning they reported that several hundred people gathered for a candlelight vigil on January 6, 2013 in Boulder, Colorado for an elk shot by an off-duty police officer. Reportedly the officer saw the elk limping and thought it was injured. The officer is now on leave. The people interviewed were crying over the loss of “Big Boy.” One tearful little girl who held a candle…