Healing for Our Nation
Jeremiah 33:6 Behold, I will bring to it health and healing, I will heal them; I will reveal to them an abundance of peace and truth. Jeremiah received this word from the Lord while he was being held in the court of the guard. He told the king they would be hauled off to Babylon. The king didn’t want to hear it so he threw Jeremiah in jail. God promises to bring healing and restoration, health and a sound mind….
God’s Promises
Most of us have heard of God’s promises. We used to have a little box of scripture promises on the kitchen table. I’d pull one out each morning. Now I read them from my Bible and my devotional book. I’ve discovered many more than the ones in the little box. God is true to what He says He will do. Most have conditions like, “If you’ll to this, I’ll do that.” The closer I look, the more specific His promises…