God’s Warning
(Photo by Aaron Kittredge.) Unfortunately, the White House doesn’t look like this anymore. It stands behind high fences with razor-wire laced along the top. When I went to find a picture of how it looks today, every one refused to load. The excuse I saw on the screen “Unable to load for security reasons.” What a sad day we’re living in. As I read Levicitus 26 the other day I was struck by the content. At about verse 14 God…
Pride and Its Consequences
This week as I listened for the Lord’s direction for the blog I heard the word pride. That attitude is the opposite of humility. Last week I mentioned II Chronicles 7:14 which instructs us to humble ourselves before God in order for Him to heal us. I checked out the 55 times the word pride appears in the New American Standard Bible to see what God had to say about pride. There is the pride of power which brings God’s…
God’s Chastening
None of us like to think of God chastening us. No correction is ever pleasant. There is one consolation. The Bible says in Hebrews 12: 6 “For those whom the Lord loves He disciplines, and He scourges every son whom He receives.” Then in verse 10 He gives us the reason for that discipline, . . . “that we may share in His holiness.” God’s word is true Truth. Romans 3:4 says “. . . let God be found true,…