Ever Go Through Bad Stuff?

Ever Go Through Bad Stuff?

Did you ever wonder why God let you go through some unpleasant things? 

I don’t know if you’re familiar with THE ELIJAH LIST (mail@elijahlistmail.com). I get it in my inbox every day. They had some interesting insights in yesterday’s post.

Here are some of the comments: For the past several years I have published prophetic words in January about what the Lord has spoken to me about the coming year. Looking back at it now, I am stunned by how accurate the words were… and it keeps me coming back to God for more! So I have gone to God once again for revelation about 2022.

While the circumstances of our world appear outwardly chaotic and uncertain, The Word of the Lord for God’s people in 2022 is BIG and it is sweet!

2022 is the year of FULFILLMENT: A coupling of dreams and rewards, blessed by God.

No longer will you create and discard, or work without reward. Instead, you will bear fruit containing the seeds of much more fruitfulness and fulfillment!

Years ago I interviewed Australian prophetess Lana Vawser, and she said something that completely resonated with me: “I often feel like a forerunner, living out my life as a prophetic act for the Body of Christ. The things I experience are not just for me or about me, but they pre-parallel the experience of God’s people. I live out these experiences and learn the lessons beforehand, then prophesy to the Church what is going to happen and how to respond.”

Have you ever considered this? That the difficult or disastrous seasons you survived were not really about you? But rather they were so you could help others, and teach them how to survive what you yourself have overcome?

The Bible puts it this way: “God comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the comfort God has given us…

“For just as the sufferings of Christ overflow into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. If we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation.” (2 Corinthians 1:3-5)

You may not realize it fully at this moment, but everything you have experienced, learned and survived… God pre-ordained for your blessing– and for you to help others.

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