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Category: Journaling

The Benefits of Journaling

The Benefits of Journaling

This past year I’ve found it hard to write. Then comes the condemnation. “You’re a writer and you’re not writing.” I took a step back and realized I had written, it just wasn’t on the computer. It was in my journal. The reflections might be interesting for someone to read my perspective fifty years from now. When I journal I not only write my prayers and what I what I feel the Lord is saying to me. It’s a place…

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A New Journal

A New Journal

This week at church we were given journals to record God’s blessings, the way He moves, and the way He uses us to be the Light of Christ to those around us. Journaling serves many purposes. It reminds us how God intervenes in our lives, how He caused circumstances to allow us to bless others, and to not forget the instances of those blessings. I’ve journaled for years, but this journal will be for the specific ways Jesus has operated…

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