Allergy Solutions

When our son, Joshua, was small, we were puzzled by several bizarre behaviors. For no reason, he’d let loose with high-pitched screams. Once taught, he couldn’t retain the information. His handwriting was illegible. Before kindergarten the school district gave him an IQ test. That test registered him with a 53. All these factors landed him in special ed classes.
Through a series of events, and a consult with a Dr. Doris Rapp, M.D., we began to suspect he was allergic to many things including peanut butter which caused him to write backwards. Mould caused the high-pitched screams.
My new book Joshua’s Journey: One Boy’s Victory Over Allergies is the account of these and many other discoveries we made as we dug deeper in trying to help our son.
If you or your child suffer from red ears or cheeks, learning disabilities, circles under the eyes or a myriad of other symptoms you need to read this book. There are answers out there. Joshua’s IQ is no longer at 53. After treatment it rose steadily. In high school he became an Eagle Scout with a bronze palm.
When I asked Joshua if he wanted me to publish his story he said, “Mom, do it. It might help someone else like I was.”
Joshua’s Journey is available here.
God’s Little Miracle Book is now available in audio at for iTunes and at Amazon at
2 thoughts on “Allergy Solutions”
A needed resource!