How to be Productive in Old Age
A person recently said to me, “I want to retire at 55 and die when I’m 70.”
I replied, “Forever why? Do you think you would be no longer useful at 70?”
“Exactly. Seventy is old enough.”
It made me think of a scripture in Jeremiah 17: 5-6 which tells us that those who trust in mankind and makes flesh his strength, who turns his heart away from the Lord will be like a bush in the desert and will not see when prosperity comes, but will live in stony wastes in the wilderness in a land of salt without inhabitant.
I prefer to be a person spoken of in Jeremiah 17: 7-8. “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and whose trust is the Lord. For he will be like a tree planted by the water, that extends its roots by a stream and will not fear when the heat comes; but its leaves will be green, and will not be anxious in a year of drought nor cease to yield fruit.”
That second scripture doesn’t sound like quitting at 70. If we put our confidence and trust in the Lord, we will be like this tree that sits at the edge of Table Rock Lake in the Ozarks–green, well-watered, and yielding its fruit–even in old age.
Which kind of tree are you?
My newest book, The Road Home, an account of my husband’s lung cancer and God’s faithfulness to widows, is now available in paperback and eReader on Hard Times in the Heartland and all my books books are available here.
8 thoughts on “How to be Productive in Old Age”
Needed this reminder this morning!
I can’t imagine being done at 70. So young. My 90 year old dad is still productive. I turned 63 yesterday. Life is full of potential and I feel like I’m just getting started.
Absolutely, Saundra! Happy birthday!
This is what I needed to hear, as well. Since I am more and more physically impaired, I often think there is nothing I can contribute but if I list all of the ways I am still interacting with the world, I see that is just not true. PS Great picture of the tree.
Yes, Linda. We’re not done yet!
Enjoyed your post. It reminded me of a facebook post I shared with others about trees. You have kept me inspired to continue to write. I am forever thankful for your teaching. I hope you don`t mind. I`ll post it here hoping you might enjoy just as I enjoy reading your posts.
A Magnificent Tree
A tall walnut tree stands at the edge of our property. She provides protection from the elements of nature and the example of what the smaller tree may someday be. The tree provides shade from the noonday sun. Farmers will often leave a tree in a pasture to provide cattle comfort from the heat of summer.
A fox squirrel scurries along the ground with a huge walnut from its mouth. The nut covers most of his face. The walnut tree is fruitful. Her seeds left today become the legacies of tomorrow, planting more trees to come.
Walking ahead, I noticed a towering oak tree. The circumference was twelve feet. Roots running deep kept it strong and tall.
A closer look revealed a bird`s nest and squirrel`s nest in the branches. The birds of the air and creatures of the land found safety and security with her.
Her leaves turn a pretty red to share their beauty with fall, something we all should do.
Turning north toward my neighbor’s property, there are dying elms, living out their days with infirmities like us. The question is what they did between birth and death, a question to ponder for all of us.
Trees withstand hot and cold, wind and rain and most survive lightning, just as we do. I can`t help but gaze at the tall oak and walnut and ask myself; am I a protector, a provider, a man who shares, a man who plants, a man of strength and a man of deep moral integrity? Do I leave a lasting legacy? Am I a magnificent tree?
Good words here Tom. Thank you.