One of God’s 100 Pound Words

For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with out weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin (Hebrews 4:15).
That word weakness in the above scripture is one of those Biblical words that weighs 100 pounds, it’s so full of meaning. It not only covers sickness and disease. It also covers our failure to understand or to do great and glorious things. It also means to restrain from corrupt desires and to bear trials and troubles.
Growing up, we were taught, “God gave you a brain–now use it,” as if everything rested on our shoulders. Since we had a brain it was as if God left us to operate on our own wisdom, using our own devices, operating in our own strength. There’s just one problem with that.
As human beings, we have inborn flaws. Our vision is extremely short. We are ruled by a warped sense of right and wrong. We are filled with self-seeking and pride.
But there is good news! Because Jesus has overcome the world, we don’t have to operate out of our weakness. Jesus has come to conquer sickness and disease; to give us God’s wisdom even down to specific problems. To do great and glorious things, and to rescue us when Satan tempts us with corrupt desires. Jesus came to carry our trials and troubles.
Our part is to give all that we are, or ever hope to be, back to Him so that He can direct us every step of the way. He is our shepherd. We are His sheep. Make Him in charge of everything so that we can watch our weakness be made strong in His strength.
This is my prayer for us for the coming days:
May the eyes of our heart be enlightened, so that we may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe according to Ephesians 1:18 & 19.
Let us rejoice in the one who came to earth, lived among us, died, and rose again, that we might be all He created us to be and at last, be with Him forever.
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2 thoughts on “One of God’s 100 Pound Words”
Wonderful words of Encouragement and Assurance in Jesus our Lord and Saviour, God Bless you Sally for your Faithfulness to share His Love and Care for us.
Although Christmas day has passed Sally my wishes for you and for your Loved ones during this Christmas Season are for Treasures great and small and as we remember Jesus our Special Gift to Cherish above all others, His Love, Joy and Peace are His Gifts for us that never depart when kept in our Heart.
“Christ”mas and New Year Blessings,
Anne ( Grannie Annie )
Jesus, the best gift of all! Blessings on you and yours.