Money Matters
Let your character be free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you,”
We each one have a choice. We can love God or we can love money and what it can buy. Money and goods are temporary, fleeting. Money can be here today and gone tomorrow. Things can burn in a fire or thieves can steal them.
When we make money our goal, there is never enough. It never brings lasting contentment. Someone always has something a little better or a little more.
When God is our goal, our supply never lacks. He promises never to leave us (to send back, to let sink). He promises to never forsake us (to abandon, leave in straits, leave helpless, to leave behind).
In Jesus, there is a contentment that all the money in the world can’t buy, and the lack of money can’t diminish. He is sufficient in all things.
Lord Jesus, thank You for Your presence and peace
which only You can give, and money can’t buy.
Thank You for Your precious promises
that never grow old nor fail.
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4 thoughts on “Money Matters”
Wonderful. Thank you Sally. God bless you!
Good to hear from you, Marie!
I agree Sally, I have seen many problems created by those who have Money as their main focus, it leads to emptiness and frustration, it blinds them to the real values in Life.
I created a Power Point about the Love of Money, perhaps you would like to see it Sally, if so I will leave the link below, I’m sure you will agree with it’s message.
Money- https://freedomborn.wordpress.com/2011/11/18/money-money-money/
Christian Love and Blessings – Anne.
I agree, Anne.