Winter-France 1945

I haven’t written in a while about “Hard Times in the Heartland.”
On page 195 Dad writes from the battlefield in one of his frequent letters home:
“Bee I and several others were awarded the Combat Infantry Expert Badge for our participation in battle. That means $5.00 more a month.
“It quit snowing for a couple of days. It’s warming a little , but the thaw brings gummy mud. The melting snow around each foxhole makes a good target for the Jerrys. This is the worst winter they’ve had in fifty years. How come we’re so lucky to be out in it?”
Dad was picked for the Collection Squad in January of 1945. They picked up G.I. bodies from the Battle of the Bulge. When he returned to his squad he became a Supply Sergeant. He brought fresh supplies to the guys on the front lines.
What great sacrifices so many made. Oh that we would stop and be truly grateful for God’s abundant blessings.
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One thought on “Winter-France 1945”
Yes. We should be grateful. And so many of those GIs were young guys. It must have been so hard to pick up their bodies once so full of life and potential. Churchill said it best, “Never have so many owed so much to so few.”