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Tag: Strawberries



With all the rain this summer, the mint around the patio took over everything. In order to rescue the strawberry plants, I bought this fancy pot and transplanted some for safekeeping. After about six weeks, they have taken hold and are doing well. They are everbearing. I wonder if I might get some fall strawberries. Do any of you have a pot like this? Do you take it in in winter?

It’s Strawberry Time!

It’s Strawberry Time!

Here’s the first of my strawberry crop. They’re supposed to be ever-bearing but I think they kind-of forgot the “ever” part!  I love to eat fresh strawberries on pie dough. Here’s my dough recipe. It works like playdough. Very easy. I keep a batch in the refrigerator all the time in a Ziplock bag. Pie Crust-Never-fail Variety Grandma Sally lived in south-west Missouri on a farm. Down the road and a half mile south, lived Bernice (pronounced Burn-nis, with the…

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Margarita Fruit Salad

Margarita Fruit Salad

Margarita Fruit Salsa All you need: • 1 1/3 cups chopped mango • 1 1/3 cups chopped strawberries • 1 1/3 cups chopped fresh pineapple • ¼ cup orange juice • 2 tablespoons agave nectar • ½ teaspoon lime zest • 2 tablespoons lime juice • Jicama slices or chips, for dipping • Mint leaves, for garnish • Lime zest and wedges, for garnish All you do: 1. In a medium bowl, toss together mango, strawberries and pineapple. 2. In…

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