True Riches
My husband’s channel surfing finally landed on the History channel recently. The program listed the world’s resources; gold, oil, and water, among other things. At the end of each segment, they stated the dollar amount of each resource in today’s market. At the end of the hour, they estimated the world’s total riches in so many quadrillion dollars. I don’t know about you, but I can’t get my head around that much money. All I can understand is that’s one…
A Day with My Granddaughter
Recently I spent the day with one of my granddaughters. She’ll be a senior in high school next year. We spoke of many things, but one stands out in my memory. She told me of accompanying a friend to a Planned Parenthood facility. Her friend’s mother instructed her to go there to get a pregnancy test. I’ll let you hear the conversation we had. “Mandy’s * mother was out of town so Mandy asked me to go with her.” “Why…
Praying God’s Heart
“The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him” (Lamentations 3:35 NASB). I marvel at what God does when we wait on Him in prayer. When we listen to His heart and then pray His desires, we see mighty things happen beyond what we could ever dream or expect. In late February and early March this year, the Lord began to urge me to pray for Him to “reveal hidden things.” When I…
Jason Collins, an NBA basketball player came out this week announcing he was gay. He’s featured on the cover of Newsweek Magazine. It’s reported his Twitter account has thousands of new followers. President Obama called to congratulate him. There is a missing voice in all this. The Creator of the Whole Universe. The One Who Loves Him Best. The One who laid down very specific instructions both in the Old and New Testaments about homosexuality, among other subjects. Is anyone…
God’s Promises
Most of us have heard of God’s promises. We used to have a little box of scripture promises on the kitchen table. I’d pull one out each morning. Now I read them from my Bible and my devotional book. I’ve discovered many more than the ones in the little box. God is true to what He says He will do. Most have conditions like, “If you’ll to this, I’ll do that.” The closer I look, the more specific His promises…
Candlelight Vigil for an Elk
Is the world going nuts, or is it just me? On the news the other morning they reported that several hundred people gathered for a candlelight vigil on January 6, 2013 in Boulder, Colorado for an elk shot by an off-duty police officer. Reportedly the officer saw the elk limping and thought it was injured. The officer is now on leave. The people interviewed were crying over the loss of “Big Boy.” One tearful little girl who held a candle…
Deliver Us
This Sunday, our church held our annual “Walk to the Manger.” In the preparation for this moving drama, the director asked us during the song, “Deliver Us,” to think of things the people cried out to God, for deliverance in Bible times; and then to think of the things we needed God to deliver us from in the here and now. At one point in the presentation, a high priest declares the Isaiah 9:6 scripture which reads “For a…