In I Kings, chapter 18, King Ahab, a worshiper of God had married a woman who worshiped in a fertility cult who sacrificed their babies to Baal. Elijah, a prophet in Israel, told king Ahab to gather the 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of the Asherah in order to have a “come to meeting” so to speak. The Israelites, led by their king, worshiped Almighty God. But they also mixed in a little hanky-panky with the temple prostitutes…
The Missing Wallet
Last week at work, I made my way around the mechanic bays at a car dealership I visit every Tuesday as a corporate chaplain. “How are things, Andrew?” “Not too good, chaplain.” “Wanna talk about it?” He put down his wrench and wiped his hands on a grease rag. “It’s been a string of things lately, but last Saturday was the last straw. I lost my wallet at Zona Rosa Mall. “I must have dropped my wallet out of my…