Loving Through Tough Times

We divided the project this way: I sent Ardythe the scripture and the ending prayer, then she wrote the devotional and sent it back to me. I formatted it and in November 2012 we published it.
Near the end of the year I helped her write some of the devotionals. I want you to be able to peek inside to see today’s offering.
June 22
I John 4:9
By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him.
Human love is always tainted compared to what God lavishes on us. Our heavenly Father loves regardless of our actions, attitudes, or motives. That doesn’t mean He overlooks evil—it just won’t keep Him from loving anyone.
When I fell head-over-heels for Jesus, my husband wanted a divorce. He couldn’t cope with the new person I became. But the Lord told me to love Jerry, even though he didn’t even like me anymore. God never expects us to do something without equipping us and over the next few years He poured His grace into me day by day so I could pass on love to my husband.
I felt overwhelmed and definitely inadequate—it seemed I failed more often than I succeeded. But when Jerry finally relinquished his life to Jesus, he said, “I just couldn’t resist the love any longer.” God’s love, poured through a tarnished vessel like me, revealed the Father’s heart to my husband. And when Jerry accepted Jesus’ love, he learned to live.
Father God, may we show Your love
in all we say and do
that others might know You
and a love that lives true.
Daily Walk with Jesus is available at Amazon.com (click the blue letters).