Listening for God’s Voice
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” (John 10:27).
I am often struck with the fact that if we stop to listen, we can hear His voice. We are currently finishing a redo of our master bathroom. I needed a new mirror for that area. The old one had been there forty-three years. It was time for a change.
I had my day planned when suddenly I could think of nothing else but that mirror. I remembered a notice I’d received about an estate sale. A friend and I were off in a flash.
“Do you have any mirrors for sale?” I asked as we entered the home.
“Oh, there is one,” the man replied.
He showed it to me, but it was entirely too small. I wandered through the house looking for any sign of another mirror. None.
By the time I got to the basement, I asked the Lord, “Is this a wild goose chase? Did I not hear you correctly, Father?”
I rounded the last corner in the basement. Propped against some shelves was a large framed print of a Monet of Parliament. Would this fit in the space?
The man carried it upstairs for me. “If you want this, I’ll cut the price in half.”
His comment surprised me because these particular estate sale people never cut the price.
“What if it doesn’t fit the space?” I asked my friend.
“Then sell the whole thing like it is in your next garage sale.”
“OK. I’ll take it.”
When I got home, I held it up in the space. It fit perfectly, as if it were custom-made for the spot. I took the picture out of the frame and had a mirror fitted in place of the print.
Now every time I look into it in the morning I’ll remind me to listen for His voice.