Praying for our Government
Paul urges us to pray for those in authority as a first priority. How many times have we glossed over that part?
But what should we pray? According to Psalm 110:11, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” That wisdom is God’s wisdom, not man’s wisdom. We don’t possess that kind of wisdom–unless God gives it.
In a list of mighty men who followed King David in I Chronicles 12:32, we learn of “the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do.” Wise men are mentioned again in Esther 1:13. King Ahasuerus was surrounded by “wise men who understood the times . . . who knew law and justice.”
Since President-elect Trump is choosing his cabinet at this time, perhaps we should pray for him to pick men (and women) who possess God’s wisdom, who understand the times with knowledge of what the U.S. should do, who know law and justice.
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