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Category: Generations

Handmade Baby Blanket and Hat for Great-Grandbaby #8

Handmade Baby Blanket and Hat for Great-Grandbaby #8

Our family tree is expecting a new branch to emerge soon so I made a blanket and hat for the new arrival. Hopefully, she will appear in April. This makes great-grandbaby # 8! How did I get to live so long to see my children’s children’s children!

A New Generation

A New Generation

  My father fought in WWII. A portion of my book, Hard Times in the Heartland covers the experiences he had during that era. Now, 80 years later, his great-grandson, Sam, is about to enter his third year at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO. I had the joy of seeing that grandson get his Training Squadron Glider Wings this past week. He and another student sang the the Star Spangled Banner at the beginning of the ceremony. The attached video…

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There are certain advantages to living long. Recently, I had the privilege of seeing with my own eyes the seventh generation of my family line. The picture on the left is my great-grandmother Edmiston with my two younger cousins and I on Christmas 1947. In the pic on the right, I’m meeting my own first great-grandchild for the first time some seventy-two years later. How swiftly life flies. Gone in a puff, before our eyes. At first, it seems a…

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