Our Unique God

Our Unique God

Risen Jesus

Isaiah 64:4
For from of old they have not heard nor perceived by ear, neither has the eye seen a God besides Thee, who acts in behalf of the one who waits for Him.

Of all the world religions of all the ages, there is no God who forgives sins, who came to earth to tell us of the One True God, who offered His own self on a cross as payment for our sins, and then died. But there is more. Then He arose from death, appeared to multitudes of people, rose into the sky, and will come again.

In the meantime He sent His own Spirit to live inside us to give us His wisdom and counsel, His guidance and direction, His presence and peace to those who will adhere to, long for, and wait for Him.

God is truly a magnificent friend who never leaves us or forsakes us.

Lord Jesus, who are we that You would stoop to save,
to heal, and console us?
I bow my heart before You in humility and gratitude
my Lord, my Savior, my God.

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