A Very Blessed Day

A Very Blessed Day

Some days are full of surprises–Like Christmas, only no one told you it was coming. I had one of those last Friday and Saturday.

I was packing to go to a writer’s conference with my friend Rebecca when the phone rang.

“Mrs. Jadlow, this is Larry Gunderson. Could I stop by for a minute?”


Larry grew up next door to us. He came in from St. Louis for a funeral. We chatted for a little while before he had to leave. It was so good to see him again.

Old neighbor, Larry

Rebecca came and we were on the way to Fort Scott. We arrived just after noon and headed for the NuGrille, the local diner. The place was packed. As we hunted for a table someone called my name. It was my high school friend, Judy, who now lives in Nassau, Bahamas. She was headed for Kansas City to a wedding. We took a quick picture and then parted.

Sally & Judy

Later, Rebecca and I took a tour of the town, checked out the local stores, and settled beside a lake at the  park for a time of quiet writing. It was one of those perfect days–mild weather, gentle breeze, and singing cicadas.

Gunn Park Lake






The next day the skies dripped with a steady rain. We discovered the night cook, Julia, standing on the porch of the motel. She hadn’t brought an umbrella and hoped the rain would ease a bit so she could walk the two miles home.

“Where do you live?”

“Down on 3rd Street.”

Rebecca pulled up to the porch.

I said, “Hop in. We’re going that way.”

We arrived at the retreat just in time to put our books on display. I made a couple of new friends and enjoyed the company of old ones while we learned new tricks to help us research and put software to better use. One of my new friends is going to use God’s Little Miracle Book as a morning devotional with her home-school kids.

I’m so glad Rebecca talked me into going. I would have missed so much fun.


To see my books visit http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B007F5H0H4  

2 thoughts on “A Very Blessed Day

    1. No, I didn’t always want to be a writer. I began writing poetry when I was thirty. I shoved the poems under the bed for several years until they started falling out of the boxes.
      Eventually, I found there were such things as writing groups and joined. Our daughter survived a spinal cord tumor and I wanted to tell the story so began writing prose. The rest is history.
      Now, ten books later, I’m beginning to record them for audio books on Amazon.

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